Net Zero Consulting Services

Helping Organizations Achieve Net Zero Targets

Developing carbon neutral strategies to support sustainability objectives

The Net Zero initiative describes the balance between the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere and the amount of those gasses that are removed or offset. Achieving Net Zero through Science Based Targets (SBTi), is critical for mitigating climate change and includes reducing emissions through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and technological innovation, as well as enhancing carbon sinks like forests.
The concept gained prominence after the 2015 Paris Agreement and resulted in numerous countries and organizations committing to Net Zero targets, with the goal of achieving these targets by 2050 or earlier. The ultimate aim of Net Zero is to stabilize global temperatures, prevent further environmental damage, and promote sustainable economic development, ensuring a viable future for generations to come.

Benefits of our Net Zero Consulting Services

  • Gain comprehensive insights into net zero strategies and best practices
  • Boost reporting accuracy with impartial evaluations and reviews
  • Save time and resources through streamlined efficiency analyses
  • Receive customized consulting services aligned with carbon reduction goals
  • Ensure adherence to net zero and sustainability regulations
  • Foster stakeholder engagement and feedback

Net Zero at a Glance

Net Zero aims to balance the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted with the amount removed from the atmosphere to achieve a state of net zero emissions. This initiative involves reducing carbon emissions within various sectors, including energy, transportation, and agriculture, through renewable energy adoption, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices.
Net Zero also emphasizes carbon capture, reforestation, and other sustainability practices to help offset any remaining emissions. The effort is crucial to combating climate change, limiting global warming, and ensuring a sustainable future by mid-century. Governments, businesses, and individuals play key roles in achieving these ambitious targets.
How does Net Zero work?
The Net Zero process includes measuring an organization's current carbon footprint, implementing carbon-neutral strategies to reduce emissions through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable practices, and investing in carbon offset projects to balance any unavoidable emissions. Achieving Net Zero is a significant undertaking that requires ongoing commitment and adaptation to new technologies and practices to ensure long-term sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Net Zero Consulting Services Process

DEKRA’s team of energy efficiency consultants helps organizations decarbonize their supply chains and develop robust emission reduction strategies. We work closely with clients across a wide variety of sectors to deliver comprehensive sustainability solutions and achieve their Net Zero targets.
    Analysis and Strategy
    Conduct a thorough evaluation of current emissions and develop a customized Net Zero roadmap.

    Comprehensive Net Zero Consulting Service

    Our advisors work with businesses to collect both direct and indirect emissions data to produce reports that are compliant with global standards. We also audit compliance with relevant standards, and our assessments are in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard and other global sustainability initiatives. Our services include:
    Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Benchmarking

    Measuring current emissions, comparing against industry benchmarks, identifying reduction opportunities, and preparing comprehensive reports.
    Lifecycle Analysis

    Assessing the environmental impacts of products, analyzing each stage from raw material to disposal, identifying improvement opportunities, and more.
    Energy Audits

    Evaluating energy consumption, identifying inefficiencies, recommending improvements, implementing energy-saving measures, and more.
    Energy Management Systems

    Creating an energy efficiency framework to reduce the need for manual intervention while streamlining processes and improving reporting.
    Renewable Energy Consulting

    assessing renewable energy options, designing implementation plans, evaluating cost savings, and supporting project development.
    Carbon Sequestration

    Clean production and eco-efficiency assessments to support industrial ecology and a circular economy within your organization.
    Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure

    Support organizations in integrating Net Zero commitments into sustainability reporting frameworks such as GRI, CDP, and TCFD.
    Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

    Develop stakeholder engagement plans to communicate Net Zero goals, progress, and achievements effectively.

    Your Trusted Partner for Net Zero Consulting Services

    • Accredited for the following standards: ISO 14064-1:2018 and ISO 14064-2:2018 Greenhouse gasses, Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, NGERS (National Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reporting Scheme)
    • Our team of IFRS experts offers efficiency, agility, accuracy, and responsiveness throughout the financial reporting consultation process.
    • We have provided third-party IFRS verification for over X years and verified more than X organizations
    • DEKRA is the world’s leading Safety Solutions Provider and has been in the accreditation business for nearly 100 years
    • Our internationally recognized DEKRA seal communicates your commitment to sustainability throughout your business and boosts trust among stakeholders

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