Functional Safety Testing

functional safety

Verified and validated functional safety

In an ever-more complex world of converging technologies, the safe operation of machines and products increasingly depends on the safety of hardware, software and management systems. ā€˜Functional safetyā€™ is the aspect of the overall safety of a system or piece of equipment that relates to the machines or products operating correctly in response to their inputs, including the safe management of possible operator errors, hardware failures and environmental changes.
Verification and validation work is carried out during the design and installation phase. At DEKRA, we then devise an assessment plan covering the entire product life cycle. This includes reviews of the management, hardware and software requirements, design process, verification testing, documentation and complete technical construction file.


  • One-stop shop for expertise in all technologies: One-stop shop for expertise in all technologies (embedded, electronics, informatics, mechanics, hydraulic, pneumatic)
  • Complete functional safety: From certification of safety sensors and safety PLCs to complete functional safety of systems and machines.
  • Field data and/or field testing: Determination of parameters by field data and/or field testing (SFF, B10, MTTF, Ī»).
At DEKRA we also perform partial certifications of individual safety functions for embedded hardware and software systems, amongst other things. This service ranges from practical component testing and determining safety parameters for hydraulic, pneumatic and (electro-) mechanical components (B10D, MTTFD and Ī»D) to validation of the fundamental and proven safety principles set out in Annex A-D of EN ISO 13849-2 as far as validation and verification of fault exclusion. Furthermore, we offer statistical failure analysis such as Weibull and ChiĀ².
We test among others:
  • Electronic safety related systems
  • Safety sensors and safety control systems
  • Machinery
  • Agriculture and forestry machines
  • Gas detectors
  • Robots
  • Medical devices
  • Road vehicles
  • Industrial communication nets
  • Wind turbines
  • Process industry
Selected recognitions:
  • IEC 61508
  • IEC 62304
  • IEC 13849
  • IEC 62061
  • IEC 61800-5-2
  • ISO/IEC 14762
  • IEC 61131-6
  • IEC 61784-3
  • ISO 25119 / EN 16590
  • EN ISO 10218
  • EN 61400
  • IEC 61511
  • ISO 26262
  • IEC 60730-1
  • IEC 60079-29-3
Our testing services in detail
Electronic safety-related systems
How safe is a product when a safety-related function fails? In the case of elements intended to perform safety functions in the product, this aspect is dealt with by the IEC 61508 standard, for example. That standard offers guidance for reduction of non-tolerable risks based on hazard and risk analyses, and can be applied to both the physical layer ā€“ hardware integrity ā€“ and the software layer.
Sensors and controls

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