Secrets to Sustaining Safety Excellence
Why can certain organizations successfully sustain excellent safety performance when others cannot?
How do certain organizations reset from poor safety performance to a relentless drive towards “zero” injuries?
In DEKRA's latest white paper, “A Secret to Sustaining Safety Excellence,” we offer an answer: Good safety governance.
Indeed, this comprehensive paper examines how governance is the secret to sustaining safety excellence because it is the structure that makes the difference between performing a lot of uncoordinated safety tasks and performing critical safety activities focused on driving down exposure.
The mechanism for making this happen is a robust governance system. Governance systems enable us to step back and align our operational processes with a passion for people including a focus on their well-being. It also enables the use of analytics in order to see what is happening below the surface—to understand performance beyond the “incident of the week.”
Effective governance sets expectations of a disciplined, high-quality, safety-oriented execution of activities at every level of the organization. This also gifts leaders with opportunities to learn, to get better, and to drive towards excellent exposure control and ultimately the elusive “zero.”
In this paper, we outline the five steps to good governance to help participants understand how to implement strong governance in their own organizations.
The white paper, “A Secret to Sustaining Safety Excellence,” explores:
- What is good safety governance?
- Why does safety governance make a difference?
- How to get governance structure right.
- How to coordinate the Executive Safety Council (ESC), Business Units (BU) and Local Safety Council (LSC).
- What is required to create a clear decision-making process.
- What type of people in the organization are required to staff local safety councils.
- How to define what “good” performance looks like.
- How to implement the process of governance.
- Why bringing in fresh perspectives is important.
- The cultural and practical benefits of good governance.