Product Certification Services

Ensure that your products meet standards and are accepted in markets around the world

Certification marks and international approvals demonstrate that your products have been tested thoroughly and meet required safety or performance standards. DEKRA issues a wide range of marks and certifications assuring your clients and end-users that your products meet safety, performance, and quality standards. We work with medical devices, products used in explosive atmospheres, toys, telecommunications equipment, and more to ensure access to global markets.
Product certification is an unbiased, third-party endorsement of your product. This independent review offers many benefits, including:
  • Increased speed to market
  • Quality assurance
  • Enhanced brand value
  • Trust in your product
  • Reduced reputational risks and liabilities
  • Access to markets around the world
At DEKRA, we provide testing and certification services in nearly 200 countries and regions, and we work with more than 100 partners worldwide for local approvals. Learn more about our certification and marking services, including our status as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
The DEKRA Difference
  • Acceptance and Recognition. Both the DEKRA brand and our certifications enjoy high acceptance and recognition around the world.
  • Highly Respected. DEKRA is a respected notified body and is recognized for testing and certifying products according to many national and international standards.
  • Specialized Knowledge. Our experts have extensive experience in a range of certifications, marks, and standards. When you work with DEKRA, we share our specialized knowledge and expertise with you.
  • Objective Guidance.We specialize in complex and time-sensitive situations. Our expertise and objective guidance will ensure that you stay on track.
  • Strong Involvement. We take part in standardization committees and innovative industry consortia to offer our partners guidance related to existing and developing standards.