Online Training
Our e-learning courses offer the ultimate flexibility. Take your course at your own pace, anywhere you have an internet connection.
Every course has practical information and value-added job aids. Certificates for continuing education units (CTUs) are issued for completed courses.
Using Documentation to Achieve Results
Documentation has always been - and will continue to be - a key component of Management Systems. In addition, though, the keys to guiding your organization to achieve equal or improved process performance at lower costs and reduced frustration, is to know when and how much to document. Also, to understand that there are appropriate alternatives to documentation.
Module 1: Overview
15 minutes
You will learn to plan the use of effective documentation and how to select appropriate alternatives that assure business results. Additionally, you will learn when and how to create documents that get results without unnecessary paperwork.
Module 2: Managing the Documentation Project
15 minutes
Documents are created to provide necessary instructions and information. Once properly documented, a process may require additional management attention. We will review how each process creates a unique opportunity for documentation, how risk and cost affect documentation decisions, and defines the key steps in managing a successful documentation project.
Module 3: Tools for Documentation
15 minutes
Documents provide information that is needed to ensure the accomplishment of a specific action that is needed. This information can provide details related to Who? What? When? Where? Why? or How? Documents are used to communicate information at different levels with different amounts of detail. We will give an overview of seven types of documents that can be used in a variety of situations.
Module 4: To Document or Not to Document
15 minutes
Documentation within your organization is going to be as unique as your organization itself. There is not a single way to document nor is there a single method to documentation. The goal of all documentation should be to provide or direct the user to Who, What, When, Where, Why and How on each process. We will look at the What, When and Why to document within your management system.
A Comprehensive Look at ISO 9001:2015
Take a deeper dive into ISO 9001:2015. After this course, you will be able to:
- Explain purpose, relationship, and development of ISO 9000 series of standards
- Explain process approach and PDCA cycle
- Define terminology from ISO 9000 standard
- Interpret and apply clauses from ISO 9001:2015 standard
ISO 9001:2015 Simplified - An Introduction to Auditing
AS9100D Simplified - An Introduction to Auditing
ISO 14001:2015 Simplified - An Introduction to Auditing
ISO 45001:2018 Simplified - An Introduction to Auditing